There have been a couple of questions/request to include weather data (temperature) from online sources like or, yesterday I did an implementation of integration towards but I have some concerns about their (and terms of usage. I.e. they require that there logo/link is displayed next to values from them and that would be very hard to fulfill if I integrate it so that it is a variable that is updated. However I just want to let you know that I am working on this and I hope I will be able to present a solution that is acceptable with regards to the weather services terms of usage.
17/12/2012 04:43:49 pm

Thanks alot for making this for the public,
Just started to test it, and if its what im looking for a donation is done.

Johnny Karlberg

18/12/2012 01:58:19 am

Good luck. Let me know if you run into any problems.

18/12/2012 04:10:10 pm

Hi, I have another request. Im at the moment using switchking but looking into using a raspberry pi to reduce the power consumption. I installed automagically and only missing one function from switchking:
Collect data from internet (from textfile). Scenario:
I got a weatherstation which logs weather data to my webserver, in that textfile (clientraw.txt) I can access temperatures, wind, rain, solar illumination etc etc. Today with switchking I control my lights to 100% based on solar illumination (w/m2) and its working perfectly. The setup is as: Enter url, specify line, specify "row" to start and how many characters to read. so If i have a textfile with contents "21.4 50" and what to get 50 I enter line 1, start 5 and 2 characters. Then its updating that value on set time (like every minute).

Would this be possible to intergrate? I dont see that it should be too hard? But I see that its a very useful function.

23/12/2012 01:02:16 am

That would definatly not be very hard to implement. And I for sure will but first I have some other minor tcleanup and corrections I want to make. So I will not promise when it will be there. Good explanation of how it works, makes it easy to make something similar. Have been thinking of similar functionality but haven't seen how to make the "extract value" generic and simple enough to be useful for many.

28/12/2012 10:58:39 pm

Hmm, Did an update to the latest version using the update script recently (week before X-mas). Since then I've noticed that my temperature update is a bit flakey. I'm using the Viking Thermometer that we talked about earlier (from ClasOhlson). The accompanying display shows updates to the temperature as expected, but nothing shows up in the signal trace. Any quick ideas?
I've also noticed that I need to restart the RPi or at least reset the Tellstick Duo by unplugging it every now and then. That might be caused by running it all on the same USB power adapter though, so I'll try and attach a self-powered usb-hub to see if that fixes that problem.


PS. I'm also running Crashplan on the RPi at the same time, backing my NAS and having added an external USB disk for local backups. That works quite nicely together...

30/12/2012 06:31:15 am

Hi David,

Very nice project! I just got started, and managed to put together a simple remote to control some Nexa plugs. Curious about the temperature parts as well. Just a thought - do you have any plans to support COSM uploads of data? In that way, not as much needs to be written to the SD card in data files. I spotted some solution at to use analog sensors, but I guess using wirelessly connected sensors could be similar?
Thanks for the good work!

30/12/2012 09:52:36 pm

COSM upload/download was nothing I knew about before your comment. But for upload there is just very limited additions needed that I for sure could do.
Regarding sensors I belive wireless are good to not need wires around the house. But the system is very generic and adding other sensor is very simple.

6/10/2013 06:25:24 pm

I installed automagically and only missing one function from switchking:

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