***EDIT *** This is only valid for the old debian image that dont have hardware floating point support. For newer images (rasbian) you have to compiöe from source.

It is realy simple to install a Tellstick on the Raspberry PI. For the one that is interested the following will install everything you need on a clean debian from the Raspberry PI downloads section.

sudo apt-get install libftdi1

Add the following line to your /etc/apt/sources.list:
    deb http://download.telldus.com/debian/ stable main

wget http://download.telldus.se/debian/telldus-public.key
sudo apt-key add telldus-public.key
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install telldus-core

11/6/2012 05:31:41 am

Thank you for the guide, really easy to set up :) any plans to publish a guide for Telldus Center on Raspberry Pi? would love to see this, because i use Telldus Live!

12/6/2012 04:49:27 pm

I have no use of Telldus Center at the moment as I have a working solution with a webserver that makes my Iphone having the GUI. This solution is planed to be open source as soon as it is in a shape that someone else can start to use it. I think that is some weeks from now.

14/6/2012 08:24:37 am

Any update on the open source solution?

14/6/2012 08:28:19 am

I'm working on controlling my tellstick and usb uirt from raspberry pi using mqtt messages and an android front end. Perhaps we can put our heads together and create an open source project?

14/6/2012 11:20:32 pm

As you see my solution is not available yet. It is a django based webserver with celery for running background tasks like scheduled events. It is currently having some minor bugs but I will try to get some solved and then publish an early version so that others can take a look.

19/7/2012 06:53:10 am

As you know, this isn't needed, as it will be installed as an dependency by the packages from Telldus

sudo apt-get install libftdi1

This line should probably be in a file of it's own. Debian looks in the file /etc/apt/sources.list AND in each file in /etc/apt/source.list.d/ that ends with the suffix .list

So put this lines in /etc/apt/source.list.d/telldus.list would be a better solution, as it is easier to manage a file then changes in a file.

# Packages from Telldus
# http://automagically.weebly.com/1/post/2012/05/tellstick-installation-on-a-raspberry-pi-debian.html
deb http://download.telldus.com/debian/ stable main

Just some small comments. If you want to read more about Debian, you can look at
http://debian-handbook.info/ where "The Debian Administrator's Book" are. There you can read a lot about administrating a Debian machine.

Good luck with your project. I really would like to see some screen dumps.

David Karlsson
20/7/2012 12:33:40 am

Thanks for the suggestions. My Debian skills are for sure not the best. Screenshots are not very exiting but I could add some in a week or so when I am back from vacation.

31/7/2012 10:31:51 pm

nice project, keep us updated: I'm also interested in UIRT and PI integration with time scheduling functionality and android frontend.

28/12/2012 06:17:54 am

»main/binary-armhf/Packages not found....

28/12/2012 02:01:48 pm

This post is old, from the days before hardware floating point was supported by Debian for raspberry pi.
Telldus does not supply arm-hf packages so you have to compile from source nowadays.

Dan Kidger
6/1/2013 07:38:01 pm

For the novices out there would you care to post instructions on how to download and build from source.
I guess:
wget http://download.telldus.com/debian/dists/stable/main/source/Sources
but then what?

Gregory Smith
17/1/2013 03:03:38 pm

Would also be interested in armhf compilation tips.

In the meantime Ive downloaded a softfloat image to experiment, but despite going through all the above steps with succes and putting my ubuntu telstick.config to etc (wich works via telldus live from android remotestick aswell) i'm a bit stuck.

In ubuntu i had the TelldusCenter app to manage stuff from gui, but in PI the package coresponding to that app is just non existant.

I did however seen a telldusd daemon message somewhere along the boot, but I just have no idea what to do with it or where to go from this.

Any advice appreciated.. :(

17/1/2013 05:07:56 pm

The software support for raspberry supplied by telldus isnotthe best. I have an preinstalled image with software that do pretty much the same as Telldus center. That is my recommendation to use.

Johan Nyton
26/2/2013 04:47:38 pm

Unfortunately, I am already running a preinstalled image with other functionality (taloLogger http://olammi.iki.fi/sw/taloLoggerPi/ to be precise) Can one install your program on top of that?

12/11/2013 11:32:02 pm

I have succesfully installed Tellstick as per instruction above. Then what? How do i start the application?

13/11/2013 02:14:16 am

The installation is for core Telldus software. Tdtool is the commandline tool now installed. To have something useful you need something more (like automagically)

26/3/2014 04:39:08 am

For those who find this short install procedure now I found there is an unstable armhf-release. I will try it out a bit later with my Telldus and see if it works. The line in sources should be:
deb http://download.telldus.com/debian/ stable main

26/3/2014 06:22:42 am

It seems to work. I installed it problem-free and has confirmed that it works with my three Proove On/Off-switches.

14/4/2014 07:54:38 pm

nice post


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