See the special page of Home Automation for download details.
As allways let me know if you enjoy it or have any problems.
Things should just work - Automagically |
Uploaded a new image some minutes ago. This one now uses API calls into telldusd for changing configuration. This means that there should never be a need to enter any console commands. What you do from the Administrative interface is all that is needed. Also this brings a more error handling to the modification of RawDevices so that it is not possible to configure things wrongly. As I lack hardware for testing all other protocols than arctech this is not fully tested.
See the special page of Home Automation for download details. As allways let me know if you enjoy it or have any problems.
9/7/2012 07:30:07 pm
Looks really good. Just installing now. Is there an external API whereby I can send HTTP commands or similar to the interface. I want to build a nice looking UI on my android tablets and then have it interface with your application.
David Karlsson
10/7/2012 01:18:33 am
Thanks, at the moment there is not an API developed but the way it works is that Urls consist of a deviceid (integer) and a commandid (integer). All of that is included in the URL that is used to trigger a command. Look thru the source of the generated first page and you understand. However I could perhaps add some simple json/REST API if that is wanted, I assume you want something fancier for android than some custom HTML/JavaScript. I not I would love to include your solution so that there is "android" optimized pages as it is already ios optimized pages if such a browser is used.
10/7/2012 06:52:28 pm
Yes a JSON/REST API would be great as it would need to find the list of devices and query your other datasources. Using the URL method should be ok for executing the command. For Android I was going to create a OpenGL interface to allow animations and graphics. However with the new Chrome browser I may be able to pull something off fancy using HTML5 and hence could modify your IOS page. I'll have a play and let you know how I get on.
David Karlsson
25/7/2012 05:37:23 am
I just pushed an update that makes it possible to get a list of all devices in JSON format. Just run the script in the /home/pi/source/home_auto/ folder and you get it. To access it you use the url /api/devices/ . Please let me know if this is what you wanted.
25/7/2012 06:28:46 am
Thanks David, that looks excellent. While you have been away I have been plugging in the USB UIRT into the framework and creating some alternative front ends (templates) to show devices more graphically. I'll send the changes across once code complete. I was thinking that the device admin should also allow registration of a IR USB UIRT device and have a field for IR code, does this sound right? With USB UIRT it also receives codes, so it would be even better to tie up an input IR signal to a device so that you can say switch off all the lights with a standard IR remote.
David Karlsson
12/7/2012 01:52:01 am
Hi, i Will be on the road on vacation for the better parts of the conning two weeks. But I will look into both the usbuirt and a REST API. I also have plans to include support for the USB-CEC adapter from if you want to control a fairly new tv/dvd/audio equipment that is a very neat piece of hardware. I'll get back to you later.
12/7/2012 08:21:27 am
Sounds good. Have a great vacation.
15/7/2012 10:36:13 pm
Tried the latest build on your homeautomation page and works perfectly. I was able to use your interface directly as well as send http commands from my android device. Excellent work!
15/7/2012 10:36:40 pm
Tried the latest build on your homeautomation page and works perfectly. I was able to use your interface directly as well as send http commands from my android device. Excellent work! Leave a Reply. |