I have just uploaded a new image, hopefully this works on new Raspberry PIs.

Apart from an upgraded system it also contains a better xpath library for python (lxml) - if you dont understand what xpath is then this will not make a difference for you. I have also installed lirc and owfs-server in default. None of these are in active use with todays software but having them installed makes it possible for me to push software updates that utilize functionality from these.

There is two reasons this image is called beta.
1) I would very much like a confirmation on if this image works on a new Raspberry PI (those with Hynix memory)
2) I have some experimental way to make some optimization to the database, however I am not sure if this will work for all of you.

Before upgrade make a backup image of your whole card. Then make a copy of your configuration (Create or restore a configuration from the administrative interface, Make Backup, Download the new backup file to your desktop computer.

Now load the new image to your SD-card, enter the administrative interface, upload the backup-file and restore from it.
Please let me know if you run into any problems!

I have got confirmation on 1) so this is a fix for this. Please let me know if you experience any problems restoring from backup as that is an area where I have made changes that are a little "experimental".
Erlend Falch-Pedersen
6/5/2013 08:38:50 am

Impressive implementation, got both my raspberry and my TelldusLive working in one night! :-)

I have a question, but fear that there are some backend logic of the protocoll that I might not know about. Anyhow, is there a way to learn codes from physical remotes and wall switches? As I have all units configured with at least one physical device, I want to use that devices house/code. I suppose that also is necessary to ensure switch status to be updated upon a manual activation/deactivation, right?

6/5/2013 03:21:58 pm

If you have a tellstick DUO you can learn codes from remotes and wall switches. To scan for codes go to the "See signals and create handlers for them" section in the administrative interface. Turn on logging of signals and then press your remote/wall switch.

Erlend Falch-Pedersen
6/5/2013 04:30:28 pm

Oh, sorry should have seen that. I was sitting on a small screen and did not read to carefully below setting link... :)

Thanks again!

14/9/2013 07:43:16 pm

I have a Tellstick DUO and have bought a Nexa 1 button transmitter WT1, http://www.nexa.se/WT1TradlosVaggsandare.htm

But must i connect to a receiver relay like LCMR-1000 first to get button working?

I thought it was possible to see the signal from the WT1 when i push the button at the signal trace site? I cant see anything here?

But i must understanding this wrong?

David Karlsson
14/9/2013 09:46:19 pm

Hi Johan, the new Nexa PRO series doesnt See to be 100% combatible with telldus.

14/9/2013 10:37:17 pm

have you any suggestion to work around?

15/9/2013 02:17:00 am

Unfortunately I don't have any workarround. I own a Pro series dimmer wall mount just to try it out but it is unused because I can't get it to work.

Erlend Falch-Pedersen
6/5/2013 04:33:56 pm

Thought it'd be best to start a new thread on a new question:
Any recommended setup to enable Android control? Currently I have tested with TelldusLive and Remotestick&Telldus Live! mobile. Liking the interface on Remotestick, it quite pretty, but on first sight there seems to be a challenge using presets<->scenarios (not intercompatible). And I would not want to do double setup on my wifes phone.

Erlend Falch-Pedersen
6/5/2013 07:38:28 pm

I am not that eager (nor skilled) at setting up a pretty web interface, so that's why I am asking :-) But if there are really good reasons to check it out, I guess I could give it a try...

8/5/2013 06:11:39 am

Have you looked at the "Remotes" section of automagically. My goal is that it should be almost as good as a native app (but have some problems with load times on older smartphones).

11/5/2013 08:59:59 am

Thanx for trying out the program. Nice done!
Working fine on my RPI with Hynix memory. Some "Warning: World-writable config" (my.cnf) after this TelldusLive copy feature.
A trigger function from/with something like this Motion (webcam detection program, C lang) would have been a nice feature.

(not sure if you already discussed Motion)

14/5/2013 06:15:13 am

Really nice work, tried it on a Hynix model and i get the same error as Johan "Warning: World-writable config file '/etc/mysql/my.cnf' is ignored".
I get the feeling my old server is going out and Pi in.

30/5/2013 06:27:25 am

I tried the new image but when I tried to restore the old configuration nothing happened. Before moving to the new image I upgraded the old image to match the new system revision but it didn't work anyway. Do you have an idea what to test?

11/6/2013 07:18:16 am

Sorry for not responding earlier. If you have the old configuration file and want some help I would be happy to take a look at it and how it is handled by the new image.
If that is the case send it to my email and I will get back to you.

9/6/2013 07:13:17 pm


I have a thought about read/send commands from phone.
I know there is Remotestick w app with plugin for Tasker/Locale.
But, if try directly in Tasker(or similar) w HTTP Get/Post. (not question about Tasker).
Where in Automagically should I read Variable/Device or is there a XML file from Telldus core to read?
Can I use (for example)?

10/6/2013 11:57:16 pm

Ska komplettera min fråga lite. Det finns en annan (free) app för Android som man kan trigga Java Script (ONx). Kan du ge exempel på vilken del i Python koden man ska använda. Eller finns det ett bättre sätt att göra det på? Vill styra Automatically från Android.

11/6/2013 06:40:55 am


Måste ju vara det här jag babblar om!


Very nice!

11/6/2013 07:19:11 am

Ja det är precis det du ska titta på. Säg till om det är något som är obegripligt eller något du saknar så kanske jag utökar API:et.

13/6/2013 06:05:28 am

Thanks for your work! What port is the Web interface running, and is it possible to change it?

24/7/2013 07:17:05 am

It runs on 80 and 8000 by default. Changeable in the /etc/apache2/ configuration folder. (standard apache)

16/6/2013 03:44:43 am

Hej igen, jag fick till http get.
Det är mycket användbart! När lampan släcks/tänds, så reagerar Tasker.

Men post lyckas jag inte klura ut.
Ska det vara ":" mellan parametrarna? type="COMMAND" och commandid=[Command ID]

Jag skrev:


Kan du skriva ett exempel med parametrarna från nedan, som skulle vara giltligt.

Do URL:/rest/do/ (POST)
Device Command:

"name": "IKEA lampa",
"deviceType": "raw",
"supportedCommands": {
"on": 101,
"off": 102
"hidden": false,
"order": 100,
"deviceId": 116

16/6/2013 04:59:36 am

Hej, följande utseende ska post data ha. (vanligt format när man "post"ar ett formulär).

Om du använder remotes så kan du se exempel på implementation då dessa helt och hållet går över det publika API:et. Kör du Chrome tryck CTRL-ALT-J och gå till fliken Network. Sedan är det bara att köra på knapparna och se vad som skickas.
Lycka till och tveka inte att fråga igen om det är oklart.

16/6/2013 07:10:47 am

Tack för svar,

Ok, Jag har varit i närheten ändå. Jag kör Chrome och brukar kolla i Network, (höger klicka o "granska komponent", OS X.
Har även använt Wireshark för att klura ut vad som sänds mellan Pi'en och Tellstick(v1.0).

Få se nu om jag får till detta, nu:
Lampor ska tändas när jag kommer hem, släckas när jag går.

Har även en trådlös rullgardin och några sensorer som är nästa projekt i sovrummet.
En ny Tellstick av något slag måste nog till, möjligheten att få in signaler i systemet också, typ 1wire? Börjar få lite grepp om systemet nu.

Det är kul det här!
Tack, för snabbt svar, igen.

22/6/2013 05:18:24 am



Angående ändring av lösenord, det krävdes ändring på några ställen, vill jag minnas att du nämde någonstans. Blir det kaos, när du uppdaterar? Eller kan man göra det tills du har löst det?

16/10/2013 08:39:28 pm


Fungerar imagen automagically_20130505 med Raspberry Pi Model B och Sandisk SDHC Class 10 8gig?

När jag startar min Raspberry Pi så händer det ingenting, ingen signal till monitor och på Raspberry Pi så lyser bara en röd diod. Jag la imagen automagically_20130505 på minneskortet med hjälp av win32diskimager 0.9 från Windows 7.

16/10/2013 10:19:39 pm

Jag hade samma problem men upptäckte att om jag inte hade min Tellstick Duo i när jag startade så kom den igång. Sen kunde jag koppla i Tellsticken. Tror att det funkade att boota den sen faktiskt.

16/10/2013 11:43:19 pm

Jag har provat att koppla bort i stort sett allt d.v.s mus, tangentbord, hdmi, tellstick och nätverkskabel men problemet kvarstår.

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