Today I felt it was time to upload a new image of my Raspberry Pi Home Automation software. This one contains a lot of new functionality. The primary one is a new concept of signals. Signals can be generated from different sources but at the moment only Tellstick DUO are implemented. Signals are just a plain string that is passed around in the system. There are signal handler objects of various types that can act on or transform them. Pattern can be a normal scanf format string or a regular expression. With the handlers currently in place I now detect "short press" and "long press" on my Nexa remote switches and can create sepparate actions for these two events. However there are a lot of pieces missing to actually make this configuration easily done. If you are realy interested in this, please let me know and I will guide you thru it.
I still havent created any database backup and restore functionality so I am sorry to say that I dont have any smooth way of move any existing configuration to a new image. For existing users please use the script in /home/pi/source/home_auto. (Answer Yes to any question). I recommend to make a backup of the entire SD card before that so that you can rollback it all if you want to.

The reason for publishing this image is to make a baseline with the signal handling and some other structual changes. So that from now on the script should work very well for everybody.

As allways please let me know what you think.
9/8/2012 09:52:02 pm

Hi David!

Nice upload. I did try you previous img-file alwell but then I couldn't get it to work with my PI, but it now turned out that it was my Tellstick Duo that was not working. So I will try this new IMG. If you have any tips and nice examples of your setup please send me an email.

19/8/2012 06:26:08 am

How do i install the image on the sd card from a Mac osx?
Ive tried to unpack the .zip but i dont get the .img file?

David Karlsson
19/8/2012 02:14:45 pm

The zip contains a single file a .img file. First step is to unzip it and then follow instructions here:

Basically I distribute my software in the exact same way as the official Raspberry Pi software distributions are done.

20/8/2012 05:46:40 am

Riktigt märkligt, för jag laddade först ner din utgåva, men lyckades inte lägga in den på sd kortet enligt elinux guiden, sen testade jag med raspbian å då fick jag det att fungera. när jag packar upp din .zip så får jag en .cpgz fil istället för en .img

20/8/2012 06:06:06 am

Problemet löst, bytte upppackar program och nu blev det en .img fil. Tackar!

9/11/2012 10:30:02 pm

As a 433.92MHz devices owner and an Android user, I think it's time for me to follow you.
As a very first question: what the Tellstick devices have that you can't do yourself ? Don't you try (before chose Tellstick) to use I/O ports of the Raspberry to add an antenna and voila ?
I have to buy a Tellstick to follow you, but I wonder why...
ps: great job !

9/11/2012 10:59:22 pm

Tellstick brings a tested solution with drivers and nice enclosure, antenna, connector and such. I have limited but do existing electronics skills but as a father of two small kids I have to prioritize my work. However if you want to make 433 MHz transiver I am happy to assist on making support for it in my software.

9/11/2012 11:21:15 pm

Fast answer !
I'm checking for Arduino solution on the web, i'll be back there if i find something nice (like this )
If I don't find anything cool, I have to think if I need dual way information or not to chose my Tellstick product.

5/9/2013 10:06:06 am

Great site, was just reading and doing some work when I found this page

11/2/2016 12:36:44 am

In the home automation systems market, there's myth of a similar product--but this time the remote stays in the car.


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