I havent done that much lately to Automagically but last day I found some time and started to interest me in HTML5 and application cache. This is something that should significantly speed up page loads if using remotes (the nice webinterface with buttons).
Just do an system update and let me know what you think. As this is a feature that is difficult to verify and might differ between devices and browser versions please let me know what you think. If you dont like it you can turn it off in the admin interface under each remote.
Johan T
12/7/2013 08:25:43 pm

I download Automagically to my Raspberry for one week ago and I´m a newbee in Linux and a the other systems you use in your image.

So I have a few questions about it and also a wishes.

I use a nexa dimmer in one room but it seems that the system lose contact to it? I can light it up from the remote interface and set dim level. But after 5 seconds the light dims down to 50% and the remote shows 0% as level. I can make the same procedure again and again, but it will not be stable. I have a Nexa on/off switch far away than the dimmer and that switch works as a charm so i dont think it is the distance to the dimmer. Anybody knows something about this?

In the remote interface there are a line with events - schedule - administration, are there any possibility to hide these for user who not are administrators?

In my electrical central. I have a 2 channel timer to manage lighting in the windows and outside the house. Are there someone who knows if there are some compatible switch to install on a DIN in a central to works with Tellstick and Automagically?

I also wonder if you have thinking to put these rows in your html 5 code? So it is possible to get a nice icon on the homescreen.

<meta name="apple-mobile-web-app-capable" content="yes">
<meta name="apple-mobile-web-app-status-bar-style" content="black">
<link rel="apple-touch-icon" href="images/touch-icon-iphone.png">
<link rel="apple-touch-icon" sizes="72x72" href="images/touch-icon-ipad.png">
<link rel="apple-touch-icon" sizes="114x114" href="images/touch-icon-iphone4.png">
<link rel="apple-touch-startup-image" href="images/CustomStartupGraphic.png" />

13/7/2013 07:50:06 am

Hi, I just pushed these addition to the webapp thing, looks a little bit better now. Its a shame I dont have any skills with photoshop...

Johan T
13/7/2013 05:01:51 pm

Maybe this will help you to make icons, http://makeappicon.com/#

Johan T
15/7/2013 09:48:40 pm

Looks nice with icon and splash screen, but I only come to the site were I can choose which remote i shall use. Not directly to my standard remote. I have two remotes in my set up.

24/7/2013 07:13:49 am

Made a new update now, should probably fix it. The problem is that the url that you bookmark on the home screen must be /remote/x/y/ where x an y are numbers. If you bookmark something else (which could easily happen before). Let me know if it fixes your problems.

Johan T
7/8/2013 10:03:41 pm

it´s still the same problem with the shortcut,
When i shall bookmark the home screen shortcut i only get this url http://raspberrypi/remote
But i need this url to use correct remote http://raspberrypi/remote/4/0/
and there is no possibility to change url either..

13/7/2013 02:55:59 am

Hi thanks for the ideas for html5 app stuff. I Will add it in next update.

To make sure it is not automagically that does the turn off thing try to pull its power or unplug the tellstick just after setting the dim level.
Please let me know how it progress.

Johan T
15/7/2013 03:32:56 am

I unplugged my tellstick after setting the dim level, But it is still the same problem. I see on the remotes website that dim level goes to zero and light goes down to 50%.
I wonder if I am fast enough?
From Telldus Live mobile app it works?

Johan T
15/7/2013 03:33:12 am

I unplugged my tellstick after setting the dim level, But it is still the same problem. I see on the remotes website that dim level goes to zero and light goes down to 50%.
I wonder if I am fast enough?
From Telldus Live mobile app it works?

Johan T
7/8/2013 10:08:08 pm

it´s still the same with the dimmer function, it works with Telldus live app on my smartphone. But not with your remote.
the only connection i have to Telldus are through Atomagically.

I cant find any other problem with the device either.

Johan T
13/7/2013 04:21:23 am

Earlier this day i connect Automagically to Telldus live and installed Telldus Live Mobile. And from that app it works without any problem.
But for safetys sake, tomorrow i shall try your suggestion. Someone who know something about DIN components?

22/7/2013 08:42:37 am

Verkar vara riktigt bra det här. Jag har kört på switchking ganska länge nu men deras linux stöd är inte så hemskt bra så jag letar alternativ och som det ser ut nu så verkar jag fastna för Automagically.
Nu ska jag bara konventera över mitt hemside plugin "lightning" med sen är det hårdtestning som gäller. :)

24/7/2013 07:14:53 am

Spännande att se om automagically klarar din hårdtestning. Säg till om det är något du inte lyckas lösa eller som du saknar som Switchking var bra på.

8/8/2013 05:53:04 am

Funkar riktigt bra än så länge. Det enda jag kan komma på som jag saknar är möjlighet att kunna skicka ett http post kommando.
tex om jag lägger upp så att ett par lampor ska tändas vid solnedgång så hade det varit fint om man även kunde lägga med så att det skickas ett http post kommando för att kunna styra andra grejer. Som tex en razberry med z-wave prylar.

8/8/2013 05:53:13 am

Funkar riktigt bra än så länge. Det enda jag kan komma på som jag saknar är möjlighet att kunna skicka ett http post kommando.
tex om jag lägger upp så att ett par lampor ska tändas vid solnedgång så hade det varit fint om man även kunde lägga med så att det skickas ett http post kommando för att kunna styra andra grejer. Som tex en razberry med z-wave prylar.

8/8/2013 05:53:46 am

Funkar riktigt bra än så länge. Det enda jag kan komma på som jag saknar är möjlighet att kunna skicka ett http post kommando.
tex om jag lägger upp så att ett par lampor ska tändas vid solnedgång så hade det varit fint om man även kunde lägga med så att det skickas ett http post kommando för att kunna styra andra grejer. Som tex en razberry med z-wave prylar.

9/8/2013 05:04:48 am

Hej, i dagsläget finns bara HTTP GET (inte POST) genom att du skapar en signal med följande utseeende: httpreq,do:[URL]:[HEADER FIELDS]:[DATA FIELDS] där URL är självförklarnde, HEADER och DATA fields är ; seppararade par av KEY=VALUE.

1/10/2013 04:39:59 pm

I look forward to reading the rest of your articles. I have been researching endlessly on the details of how to get started with and off-the-grid home.


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