Besides the web-interface Automagically is controllable by an API. This is composed of a couple of URL:s that it is possible to do HTTP GET or POST to retrive information and update information respectivly.
URL:/rest/devices/ (GET)
This returns the current devices and which commands that it can handle
Global Variables
URL:/rest/gv/all/ (GET)
Return all global variables and their current value. Replace all in the URL with a global variable id to just fetch one variable.
Device State
URL:/rest/dev/all/ (GET)
Return all known device states. Replace all in the URL with a device id to just fetch status for one device.
URL:/rest/events/ (GET)
Resturn a list of all device events that will occur.
URL:/rest/do/ (POST)
This is used to modify or execute commands. The following is possible to do. Return value is a JSON object. Always with a result entry but sometimes also with other information.
Device Command
Parameters to the POST request
Parameters to the POST request
Create Event
Parameters to the POST request
Cancel Event
Parameters to the POST request
Delay Event
Parameters to the POST request
URL:/rest/devices/ (GET)
This returns the current devices and which commands that it can handle
Global Variables
URL:/rest/gv/all/ (GET)
Return all global variables and their current value. Replace all in the URL with a global variable id to just fetch one variable.
Device State
URL:/rest/dev/all/ (GET)
Return all known device states. Replace all in the URL with a device id to just fetch status for one device.
URL:/rest/events/ (GET)
Resturn a list of all device events that will occur.
URL:/rest/do/ (POST)
This is used to modify or execute commands. The following is possible to do. Return value is a JSON object. Always with a result entry but sometimes also with other information.
Device Command
Parameters to the POST request
- type="COMMAND" - Mandatory
- commandid=[Command ID] - Mandatory
ID of the command to do. Supported commands listed for each device by /rest/devices/ . - deviceid=[Device ID] - Mandatory
ID of the device to execute the command.
Parameters to the POST request
- type="SIGNAL" - Mandatory
- signal=[Signal content] - Mandatory
The signal to send in. - source=[Source] - Optional
The given source of the signal. Defaults to "http_post" if not present.
Create Event
Parameters to the POST request
- type="CREATEEVENT" - Mandatory
- commandid=[Command ID] - Mandatory
ID of the command to do at the event. Supported commands listed for each device by /rest/devices/ . - deviceid=[Device ID] - Mandatory
ID of the device to execute the command. - dotime=[Time] - Mandatory
Time to do the event in format HH:MM:SS. - dodate=[Date] - Mandatory
Dato to do the event in format YYYY-MM-DD. - condition_globalvariableid=[Global Variable ID] - Optionaly
Only do the event if the value of the Global variable is True or not 0.
Cancel Event
Parameters to the POST request
- type="CANCELEVENT" - Mandatory
- eventid=[Event ID] - Mandatory
The ID of the event to cancel.
Delay Event
Parameters to the POST request
- type="DELAYEVENT" - Mandatory
- eventid=[Event ID] - Mandatory
The ID of the event to delay. - time=[minutes] - Mandatory
The number of minutes to delay the event. Integer numbers only.