In the last days I have commited several updates to the home automation software, nowadays called Automagically as there are already a software out there called Home Auto(mation).
Among the new features are:
  • Scheduled events relative to sunrise/sunset
  • Signal monitoring and assistance to create handlers for them
  • Create Tellstick devices from what a tellstick duo detects
  • Better looking administrative interface
  • ... (more that I dont remember)
To get the new functionality just run in /home/pi/source/home_auto/ (do it twice to be sure everything is updated correctly).
Eventually I might create an "auto update feature" so that I never have to open a ssh connection to the server.

Bugs, problems, questions - dont hesitate to ask in a comment or by email.
Today I uploaded a new Image. This one is new image, it doesnt contain much more functionality but it is based on Raspbian that is a fixed point optimzed distribution for Raspberry Pi. Among the new functionality that this contain are libcec from that makes it possible to listen/send commands on the HDMI-port. So hopefully there will soon be the possibility to turn on TV or other equipment using HDMI. Perhaps there will be some TV-based GUI in the future as well. (But I am not the biggest fan of GUI programming so if anyone want to help you are very welcome).
I include some screen shots. All of them is not taken on the very latest release but they havent changed much lately.
This is the way the main page looks like, press the images for dimming, turn on and off lamps. New images are welcome if someone wants to contribute.
Main page of the administrative interface. There is one link missing to settings that has appeard in later versions of the software.
Today I felt it was time to upload a new image of my Raspberry Pi Home Automation software. This one contains a lot of new functionality. The primary one is a new concept of signals. Signals can be generated from different sources but at the moment only Tellstick DUO are implemented. Signals are just a plain string that is passed around in the system. There are signal handler objects of various types that can act on or transform them. Pattern can be a normal scanf format string or a regular expression. With the handlers currently in place I now detect "short press" and "long press" on my Nexa remote switches and can create sepparate actions for these two events. However there are a lot of pieces missing to actually make this configuration easily done. If you are realy interested in this, please let me know and I will guide you thru it.
I still havent created any database backup and restore functionality so I am sorry to say that I dont have any smooth way of move any existing configuration to a new image. For existing users please use the script in /home/pi/source/home_auto. (Answer Yes to any question). I recommend to make a backup of the entire SD card before that so that you can rollback it all if you want to.

The reason for publishing this image is to make a baseline with the signal handling and some other structual changes. So that from now on the script should work very well for everybody.

As allways please let me know what you think.